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[V4] Basic information

Integration - new map of points from 01.10.2024

We recommend using scripts and styles only from our server. This ensures continuous integration and compliance of the master version with the version of application in use.

Copy links into <head> section:

<script src=""></script>

Create a div to display the map. The map does not have default dimensions to make the process of integration easier with the site, if you do not give any properties responsible for height and width, map will not be visible!

<div id="gls_map"class="szybkapaczka_map"style="width:500px;height:500px"><!--(1)! --></div>
  1. By default, we recommend using pixels (px) to define the width and height of the div window containing the map to ensure consistent display across different platforms. Pixels provide greater control over the size, which is particularly important on platforms with low default px values.

    However, if the platform supports dynamic scaling, percentages (%) can be used for the width and height of the div, which will enhance responsiveness. Nonetheless, percentages can cause issues on some platforms, so if in doubt, we recommend sticking with pixels or consulting the GLS technical team.

Then, initialize the GLS maps:

  // Language used in app - ('PL','EN') only avaiable right now
  lang: "PL",

  // Parcels load in map, in normalize ISO-2 format - ('DE','PL','AT','DK','BE','IE') only available right now
  country_parcelshops: "PL", // PL, DE ...(1)

  // Element ID for init map
  el: "gls_map",

  // Weight of parcel in kg, required to define available parcelshops
  parcel_weight: "5",

  // Address to show nearest parcelshops on init map, this value could be zipcode or city with street and house number
  center_point: "Example_city, example_street",

  // Source of tiles used in app - default false, means tiles are downloading from Open Street Map
  // If you want change it, make sure you have Mapbox API key from this page or Google Maps API key, depend which source should be used.
  map_type: true,

  // If map_type property is true and you want to use Mapbox API, then you have to paste your Mapbox api key here
  mapbox_key: "exmaple_api_key",

  // If map_type property is true and you want to use Google Maps API, then you have to paste you api key here
  google_maps_key: "exmaple_api_key",

  // Turn on/off geolocation - boolean, false by default
  geolocation: true,

  // If the `parcelshop_type` value is 'apm' (parcel lockers) or 'pudo' (pickup and drop-off points), only points matching this value will be visible on the map after providing the parameter.
  parcelshop_type: 'pudo'


  1. Parameter name *(ISO-2) Full name
    PL Poland
    FR France
    IT Italy
    CZ Czech Republic
    NL Netherlands
    ES Spain
    HU Hungary
    SK Slovakia
    RO Romania
    FI Finland
    PT Portugal
    HR Croatia
    SI Slovenia
    BG Bulgaria
    GR Greece
    AT Austria
    BE Belgium
    DK Denmark
    DE Germany
    LU Luxembourg

Właściwości parametrów

Property name Required Default value
lang YES none
country_parcelshops YES none
el YES none
parcel_weight YES none
center_point NO the center of the country approximately
map_type NO false
mapbox_key NO empty
google_maps_key NO empty
geolocation NO false
parcelshop_type NO none

Activate Google Maps API

If you want to use Google Maps within SzybkaPaczka plugin, you have to paste link to Google Maps with your API key into <head> section, before import SzybkaPaczka plugin!


Handle selected "SzybkaPaczka" point

  • App on initialized creates a custom event, named 'get_parcel_shop', so the client can listen on it.
  •     window.addEventListener('get_parcel_shop',function(e){
  • Second way to handle selected Parcel is create Parcel object and call to getParcelObject method on it.
  • var m = new SzybkaPaczkaParcel();
    setInterval(function () {
        if (typeof result != 'undefined') {
            document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(m.getParcelObject());
    }, 100);

Structure of response object

id → point ID, only required value which you have to used to communicate with ADE-Plus,

name → name of a point,

open_hours → array containing opening hours of a point, weekdays ordered from Monday as a "0" day. Every day of a week can contain more than two elements, which indicates a range of open hours,

country → country of a point,

city → city of a point,

postal_code → zipcode of a point,

phone → phone number of a point,

email → email address of a point.

All data are optional, except for ID, which is required for integration with ADE-Plus.

  "selected": {
    "id": "00000000",
    "name": "Example name of point",
    "open_hours": [
      ["10:00:00", "17:00:00"],
      ["10:00:00", "17:00:00"],
      ["10:00:00", "17:00:00"],
      ["10:00:00", "17:00:00"],
      ["10:00:00", "17:00:00"],
      ["09:00:00", "13:00:00"]
    "country": "EN",
    "city": "Example City",
    "postal_code": "12-000",
    "street": "Example street 15",
    "phone": "+48 000 000 000",
    "email": ""

Notifications description

The first type of a message about a point on the map is a planned break. The text is 5 days before the planned break. The point's functionality is not limited then. After 5 days, the point is marked as "temporarily disabled", and a message will appear informing you till when it is closed. You cannot perform any action at a given point except for acquiring basic information. Examples are shown below.

Punkt - przerwa

Punkt - zamkniete

Examples of basic usage

Example of use